Monday, November 14, 2011

The Soul

Hello Everyone;

So I have started making a play out of a school project I did back in 2007. This is the poem I wrote for the opening. If you want to envision it as I do imagine sitting in a theater the lights have just dimmed to draw everyone's attention to the start.

The theater stays dark as a voice starts...

The Soul
The soul does not know the color of skin
There is no color spectrum of which to be
The soul does not have eyes to judge  
The soul has heart to see…
To feel… to grow…to be

So what to you think? I want it to be short, sweet, to the point, but draws you in all at the same time. But please don't tell me what I want to know, give me your honest brutal opinion. When my dream comes true and KC Rep agrees to run this play you will all be invited to see it. So help me make it an enjoyable experience. 

Thank you!

I love you all,


  1. I love it! Then again I am not a literature or poetry critic, so perhaps me loving it does not mean much

  2. Thank you! Just so you know your opinion is just as valuable to me as any one else's.
    I love you,
