Hello Everyone;
I have made a very important decision today. I am moving my poems.
I like most Google products most of the time, but I have grown very frustrated with blogger. (I am sorry blogger you have been good to me). But I find the many steps I have to go through to check comments to be a giant pain. But there is another reason too.
There is an art form I have been wanting to play with, or should I say add, to my poetry. Wordpress offers more supports in this new direction. So...
There will be no more, or very few poems added here. The poems I write for the play will be the only accepted or will not be shared through a blog at all.
Don't worry I have made it easy to find my poetry. Just go to: http://delainamiller.com/ or: http://delainamiller.com/passionate-expresions/ either one will take you my poetry.
I am sorry that I am making you all go to another website. But I think when you seen 12-18-11's post you will understand. I am really proud of the way it turned out.
Please I beg of you still leave me comments, feedback, and opinions.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Man "Of" God
So I saw this video and wrote this.
I guess you can say Engle inspired me to stand up for Him.
Man "Of" God!?
Hey preacher
Yo man “of” God!?
Yeah you…
preaching your hate
disguised, as
love for Him.
Save your “self”
instead and leave
my soul and
others’ be.
I wonder what you
know of love?
Have you ever
felt the power of it?
The way it makes
the heart trip,
a pulse race, a
chest aglow?
I am sure you
have been loved before,
if only by one,
as we all have.
Yet you seem lost,
as if love is an illusion or
the property of
the chosen.
Love… straight or
queer, here or there
where you have drawn
religious lines in the sand,
Love is a magic you
seem to have forgotten.
Keep your judgment,
hate, or fear if you wish.
My love for you extends,
to hopes and
dreams that someday soon,
you save your “self”
instead and leave
my soul and others’
Click below to have me read it to you. Mind you I got a little nervous.
Man "Of" God by delainamiller
Click below to have me read it to you. Mind you I got a little nervous.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Missing You
This was just a random poem that came to the surface today and wanted out. It has not been edited so it may be a little rough.
Missing You
Missing You
Neither here,
nor there
Is where my
heart seems to be.
Across these
states I have lived,
memories and
friendships built
in the wake
of my life.
Oh! this cursed
and deified gypsy-soul of mine.
I love this
The world in
my grasp,
if only
in: the smoke of my dreams,
my anticipated
ambitions, and my deepest desires.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Silly Sounds of Love
Hello Everyone;
Here is another poem exercise I am sharing with you. The assignment is to write a poem about what it is like to be in love using nonsense/silly sounding words.
Here is another poem exercise I am sharing with you. The assignment is to write a poem about what it is like to be in love using nonsense/silly sounding words.
Silly Sounds of Love
The heart falters and fears forgotten in the fine mist covering my soul.
Here I stand doughty, doubting, and delirious in your
You are benevolent, beautiful, and bodacious all rolled into
In this play of love: prickly, persnickety, passions, and
puns are the stars.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
For Da
For Da
Five years ago
you left this
this dimension,
you, we cannot see.
Yet your voice echoes
in our minds,
your love,
in our hearts;
your passions deposited
in the souls of
your children.
To this day a
sung with barbershop
from some musical
we watched,
or just one you
reminds me of you
and what we share.
A saying you had
“If the truth be told”
found in a store,
a board game now,
I almost bought…
Your life evident
the ripples you
left behind,
the song in my
your seven kids, seven
and there is more.
Though cancer
took you,
early, from our
love is where it
all began, and
love for you will
never end.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Grateful Gatherings
Gather family, gather friends…
We gather to savor culinary delights,
While the grateful heart has its spiritual fill.
I am grateful for comforts,
Both large and small alike.
I am grateful for an airplane’s ability
To shorten distances between here and there.
I am grateful for oceans, as they fill voids
And gaps, both far and near.
I am grateful for my partner;
Who instills in me, beyond love, serenity.
I am grateful for my family;
Scattered as we may be, love holds us in perpetuity.
I am grateful for my friends;
Diverse in life and united by our empathies.
I am grateful for our evolutions;
Our discoveries, and our enlightenments.
I am grateful for our adaptabilities,
To change our perceptions and our destinies.
All of this and more,
Gathers all – hearth and home –
In my grateful heart, in my grateful soul.
Written by Delaina Miller 11/23/2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Why am
I here?
Once my
torrid lover,
thought we were through.
played with love
And I
got burned.
still I am here.
and disturbed,
back the tears.
Why are
you here?
scars of our passion
to throb.
throat’s loss of air,
As if
your fingers are still there.
Why are
we here?
Just memories
of ghosts,
As we
are no longer anywhere.
thought all was forgiven.
But I
could not forget,
cost of our love.
affair’s expenditure.
painful investments,
merely deposits in my creation.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
An Introvert's Tengo
An Introvert’s
A dance
of lovers and of foe
In the
end only emotion knows
Face to
face we are neither
embrace encircles our soul
Our tango
is more of the Queer
one wants to lead…
Nor to follow,
Hence the
dance of soul begins unclear
Our words
lead, our actions follow
current slow like our undertones
The action
quick with uncertainty
This is…
an introvert’s tango
One and
then another arrastre
or guiding, not sure who’s has the lead
Our souls
move first
foundations follow as in poetry
Our heart’s
gain awareness in our stance
our fears,
wares and of tears bygone…
And how
they caused the soul to bend
The soul heals
in the art of dance
The lead
and follow
neither control or Queer
The push
and pull
neither forced or malo
Just an introvert’s
Monday, November 14, 2011
The Soul
Hello Everyone;
So I have started making a play out of a school project I did back in 2007. This is the poem I wrote for the opening. If you want to envision it as I do imagine sitting in a theater the lights have just dimmed to draw everyone's attention to the start.
The theater stays dark as a voice starts...
So I have started making a play out of a school project I did back in 2007. This is the poem I wrote for the opening. If you want to envision it as I do imagine sitting in a theater the lights have just dimmed to draw everyone's attention to the start.
The theater stays dark as a voice starts...
The Soul
The soul does not know the
color of skin
There is no color spectrum
of which to be
The soul does not have
eyes to judge
The soul has heart to see…
To feel… to grow…to be
So what to you think? I want it to be short, sweet, to the point, but draws you in all at the same time. But please don't tell me what I want to know, give me your honest brutal opinion. When my dream comes true and KC Rep agrees to run this play you will all be invited to see it. So help me make it an enjoyable experience.
Thank you!
I love you all,
Friday, November 11, 2011
The Fall
The once vibrant
with life
The once
green, open full to catch the sun
The once
high, holding up the sky
Now a
golden bronze of slumbering death
The tips
are curled as if burned
The wind
stirs the branches high
The once
secured looses hold
A dance
of spins and twirls begin
A quick
spin slowed to a float
Lift and
fall, rock right then left,
Until the
fallen comes to rest
lie prone
in death, among the rest
Once protector
from the sun
Now a blanket
for the ground
Even in
your death you shelter life
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
If You Were My Daughter
*Disclaimer This poem is not a reflection of any of the Mothers that may read and follow this blog. Its creation was kindled by a friend's poem and stories I have heard from two friends. Thank you!
If You Were My Daughter
I would have held you close to me
at every
stage of your life…
if you were
my daughter
I would have played show and tell with my love for
instead of
leaving you to impress me…
if you were
my daughter
I would have made you laugh
instead of
hushing you…
if you were
my daughter
I would have kissed all of scrapes and bruises away
instead of
causing them…
if you were
my daughter
I would have praise all of your achievements
instead of
ignoring your success…
if you were
my daughter
I would have cried with you
instead of
telling you, you deserved it…
if you were
my daughter
I would have nurtured your special spirit…
instead of
envying you
if you were
my daughter
I would have thrown you a freedom party
instead of
blaming you for the divorce…
if you were
my daughter
I would have seen your children as perfect in
instead of
filling your heart with doubt and worry…
if you were
my daughter
I would let you know the pride I feel for you
instead of
making you feel shame…
if you were
my daughter
I would be your great defender
instead of
your infector…
if you were
my daughter
I would have taught you to love yourself
instead of
if you were my daughter
I would have but I am not your mother
instead I
am no one’s mother…
I am simply
a daughter
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Passion Poet
Alright it has been a week and I have not heard from anyone.
That is ok I know that the name of this blog does not affect your lives or mine really :-) .
However my mind has been stewing about this for a week and this morning in the shower "Passion Poet" came to me. I liked it immediately. As we drove out to Lawrence I ask Kris what she thought and she liked it too. So here we are.
I am still willing to take your suggestions and feedback about this title though so please feel free to comment.
By the way I am thinking about writing an ebook about my ghost stories and I am thinking about using this picture what do you think about the picture? And would you read the ebook?
Just random thoughts.
I should have a poem up soon.
Thank you for reading,
That is ok I know that the name of this blog does not affect your lives or mine really :-) .
However my mind has been stewing about this for a week and this morning in the shower "Passion Poet" came to me. I liked it immediately. As we drove out to Lawrence I ask Kris what she thought and she liked it too. So here we are.
I am still willing to take your suggestions and feedback about this title though so please feel free to comment.
By the way I am thinking about writing an ebook about my ghost stories and I am thinking about using this picture what do you think about the picture? And would you read the ebook?
Just random thoughts.
I should have a poem up soon.
Thank you for reading,

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Poetic Me
Hello Everyone;
I have a question for you all instead of a poem today.
Recently I have been thinking about this blog's name changes. Mostly how the name changes have illustrated my emotional evolution.
When I first started this blog I named it Writer of Some Wrongs, which is explains my URL name. But I soon found that title too limiting. For example what if I wanted to write about some rights would readers be disappointed if I changed from a theme of "wrongs" to a theme of "rights". Plus I did not want to just write about wrongs I wanted to have a place for my poetry, whatever form it can in, to go so I could share it.
So I chose Delaina's Poetic Rants as my title. Here is some of my reasoning for choosing this title. First, I was not sure what I wrote could actually be called poetry. I have not taken any classes that would hone any poetic skills I might have. So I felt to call the blog Delaina's Poems would open me up for attack as I didn't really now if what I write could be called poems. Yet, I felt like words that come from so deep within my heart could still be deemed poetic. I added "Rants" because that was a safe, in my mind, word to explain my passionate words, while still allowing me to point out injustices. Plus if my words were not poems they were at least rants.
In my mind, at least at the time, the title was a perfect fit for me and safe.
About two weeks ago I started asking myself if this title still worked for me. Because I am going through another emotional change. I had not answered my question when one of my readers asked me to consider changing the title to something else. Their reasoning was that the word "rant" has too many negative connotations. I am not sure how much I agree but I can see their point, and right now I am trying to get away from promoting too much negativity.
I should also add that I value this person's opinion so I am taking the request seriously.
Yet I am not sure what to change the blog title to. Do I just replace the world "rant" with another word with less negative meanings? Do I create a whole new title? After all the title of this post "Poetic Me" is not bad. But then do we attach to many meanings and emotions to the word "poetic"?
So I have decided to ask you all what you think this blog's title should be? What are your opinions? I won't make any promises that I will pick your title but I will seriously consider all suggestions.
Just leave your thoughts as a comment that way everyone can see them and respond to them. Hopefully, with your help, I can land on fantastic title that I can keep for a long time.
Thank you,
I have a question for you all instead of a poem today.
Recently I have been thinking about this blog's name changes. Mostly how the name changes have illustrated my emotional evolution.
When I first started this blog I named it Writer of Some Wrongs, which is explains my URL name. But I soon found that title too limiting. For example what if I wanted to write about some rights would readers be disappointed if I changed from a theme of "wrongs" to a theme of "rights". Plus I did not want to just write about wrongs I wanted to have a place for my poetry, whatever form it can in, to go so I could share it.
So I chose Delaina's Poetic Rants as my title. Here is some of my reasoning for choosing this title. First, I was not sure what I wrote could actually be called poetry. I have not taken any classes that would hone any poetic skills I might have. So I felt to call the blog Delaina's Poems would open me up for attack as I didn't really now if what I write could be called poems. Yet, I felt like words that come from so deep within my heart could still be deemed poetic. I added "Rants" because that was a safe, in my mind, word to explain my passionate words, while still allowing me to point out injustices. Plus if my words were not poems they were at least rants.
In my mind, at least at the time, the title was a perfect fit for me and safe.
About two weeks ago I started asking myself if this title still worked for me. Because I am going through another emotional change. I had not answered my question when one of my readers asked me to consider changing the title to something else. Their reasoning was that the word "rant" has too many negative connotations. I am not sure how much I agree but I can see their point, and right now I am trying to get away from promoting too much negativity.
I should also add that I value this person's opinion so I am taking the request seriously.
Yet I am not sure what to change the blog title to. Do I just replace the world "rant" with another word with less negative meanings? Do I create a whole new title? After all the title of this post "Poetic Me" is not bad. But then do we attach to many meanings and emotions to the word "poetic"?
So I have decided to ask you all what you think this blog's title should be? What are your opinions? I won't make any promises that I will pick your title but I will seriously consider all suggestions.
Just leave your thoughts as a comment that way everyone can see them and respond to them. Hopefully, with your help, I can land on fantastic title that I can keep for a long time.
Thank you,
Saturday, October 1, 2011
They are the gifts we give
It is because of them we
take initiatives.
They are the light at a
dark and lonely tunnel’s end.
That is why we call them
They pull us up when we
are down.
It is because of this, we
wish for them to never frown.
They push us forward when we
are afraid.
That is why, for them, our
love and trust braid.
They expect nothing less
than our best.
It is because of this that
we are blessed.
They offer us their selves
and expect the same.
That is why, from them, we
cannot refrain.
They have faith and, in us,
This is why, to
them, we cleave.
They are an endless smile
for our incessant tears.
That is why we merit their
They come and, yes, they
may go.
It is because of their
love, we grow.
They are our friends
without an end.
That is why we all
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Just Found Out
Hello Everyone;
I just found out from one of my sisters yesterday that my cousin Teddi has cancer. So I also want to dedicate the earlier poem to Teddi as well as Ailene and my father.
Life is so short as it is, to have cancer taking lives away from us at such an early age seems as though death is cheating life.
We love you Teddi. Stay as strong as you can for as long as you can and know that you are loved.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Hello My Friends.
Life is a strange experience sometimes. It seems that when death comes close to us, our heart seems to be more aware of the value of life. Yet at the same time the impending sense of loss causes a lethargic feeling that seems to surround us. Or at least this is what it feels like to me.
Another friend is in the battle of her life against cancer. This rant is dedicated to her, while at the same time it is based in the loss of family and friends that has already been caused by cancer.
Is it Ever Enough?
Is it ever enough to want to hold on to our friends...
Is it ever enough to love…
Is it ever enough to lay claim to a human bond…
Before they slip away?
Is it ever enough to know a life existed…
Is it ever enough to share a laugh…
Is it ever enough to share a hug…
Before they slip away?
Is it ever enough to feel…
Is it ever enough to see…
Is it ever enough to hear…
Before they slip away?
Cancer, are the lives you claim ever enough…
are the souls you suck the life out of ever enough…
are tears shed in your wake ever enough…
Before you rip them out of our world?
Is it ever enough to live no matter how long the life…
Is it ever enough to give all that there is to give…
Is it ever enough to share all that there is to share…
Before they want to slip away?
Is it ever enough to try everything there is to try…
Is it ever enough to fight until there is no fight left…
Is it ever enough to abate the inevitable…
Before they want to slip away?
Is it ever enough to fight death…
Is it ever enough to strive for life…
Is it ever enough to want for peace…
Before they want to slip away?
Cancer, are the lives you claim ever enough…
are the souls you suck the life out of ever enough…
are tears shed in your wake ever enough…
Before you rip them out of our world?
Is life ever long enough?
When will enough be enough?
Ailene stay strong, stay focused, and stay as long as you can. We love you.
When your enough is enough know that you have touched and inspired many lives.
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